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|||the kind that the manufacturer recommends, check ur owners manual. If u don't have one go on-line and search for the manual. Some places have it where u can look at the manual for free, usually the manufacturer. It's prob going to be what the Stratus uses too, not really sure though.|||try dextron 3 my dad works at a auto parts place and i asked him amd he knows so try it|||Well, it would help to know what year, and what kind of transmission you have.|||dextron III or mrcon 4, pull out your trans dip stick and it will say on it which fluid to use|||mitsubishi trans fluid. buy at your dealer|||if it's a stright drive 40w motor oil if automattic dextron 3...|||The best is always what mistubishi sells..
i wouldnt use anything less then whats sold at your dealer.
i always use honda/acura parts in my acura..i hate aftermarket stuff
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